Guest Talk: "The image as argument. Potentials of data visualisation for humanities research and communication” by Katrin Glinka, February 28th
News from Feb 21, 2019
February 28th, 3pm, Katrin Glinka will give the talk: "The image as argument. Potentials of data visualisation for humanities research and communication” at HCC Lab.
Katrin Glinka (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz | „museum4punkt0“) illustrates the potential of data and information visualisation as a methodological addition in the humanities.
The talk builds on a common reading of visualisations as graphic representations of complex data and contextualised knowledge. Visualisations are consequently conceived quite literally as “images” and in this respect related to scientific methods in visual studies and art history; in these and other related humanities disciplines, images are treated as visual sources that need to be interpreted and can in turn act as visual arguments in scholarly discourses. In this context, the talk illustrates how visualisation research and the humanities could profit from a reciprocal methodological exchange. The talk concludes with a live demo that shows in an exemplary way how interactive and exploratory visualisations of cultural collections can act as a means of communication with a broader public or be integrated in specialised scientific communication.
Date: 28. February 2019
Location: Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26, 14195 Berlin, room 120