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Fixed weekly project meeting


www.vesearch.net (integrated in mCIS.vet und SurgeRate)

Projekt goals

The working group Databases and Information Systems develops a system for retrieval and appropriate presentation of research data from a clinical information system.

Project description

Using pattern recognition procedures, the system determines suitable display formats for the results data of queries sent to the corresponding clinical information systemen.


  • Prof. Dr. Peter Böttcher, Small Animal Clinic of the Freie Universität Berlin

Current and completed theses

  • Bachelor Thesis of Alexander Gröttrup
    Design and Implementation of a Data Quality Aware Dashboard for Operational Data at the Small Animal Clinic of Freie Universität Berlin

  • Bachelor Thesis of Sara Zeymer
    Design and Implementation of a User Interface for Searching and Presenting Research Datasets in Veterinary Medicine


E-Mail to nicolas.lehmann[at]fu-berlin.de


  • VeSearch, clinical, information, system, pattern, recognition