Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerhard Wunder
The Cybersecurity and AI (C-AI) Group at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, is directed by Prof. Gerhard Wunder and supported by Bundesdruckerei GmbH. It focuses on AI with Cybersecurity as well as Cybersecurity through AI. It hosts particularly the new Center for Trustworthy AI at FUB. Other important initiatives are the 6G Research and Innovation Cluster supported by BMBF and the *new* BMBF initiative on Generative AI and Cybersecurity. Topics are:
- Chances und Risks of Generative AI
- Resilient networks (DFG SPP 2378)
- Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Data
- Explainability and Fairness in AI
- Quantum Crypto Analysis
- AI Engine for Anomaly Detection
- Cybersecurity Architectures in IoT
- AI-assisted Device Biometrics
- Low Resource Federated Learning with Blockchains
Contact me at:

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute for Computer Science
Cybersecurity and AI
Head of the Group
Room 109
14195 Berlin
Short bio:
I'm a Cybersecurity & AI Professor at FU Berlin, one of the few Excellence Universities in Germany, and Heisenberg Fellow of the 'Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft' (DFG). I'm supporting the 'Arbeiterkind' initiative.
I studied electrical engineering and received my graduate degree in Electrical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) from TU Berlin with Distinction in 1999. I received the PhD degree (Dr.-Ing.) with Summa Cum Laude in 2003 from TU Berlin under Prof. Boche (TU München, Leibnitzpreis recipient). Right after, I became a research group leader at the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut in Berlin, co-initiating the first-ever German-Sino-Institute for Mobile Communications. In 2007, I also received soon my Habilitation Degree and became a Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the TU Berlin. In this period, I hold Visiting Professor positions at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Prof. Jayant) in Atlanta (USA, GA), and the Stanford University (Prof. Paulraj) in Palo Alto/USA (CA). In 2009 I was parallel a Consultant at Bell Labs (USA, NJ), both at the famous Murray Hill (Prof. Stolyar) and Crawford Hill (Prof. Valenzuela) Bell Labs premises.
In 2014, I have become a Heisenberg Fellow, granted for the first time to a communication engineer ever, and established the Heisenberg Communications and Information Theory (Heisenberg CIT Group) at the FU Berlin. Since 2021 I'm a Professor for Cybersecurity & AI at FU (Stiftungsprofessur Bundesdruckerei GmbH).
I'm a recipient of research fellowships from the German national research foundation (DFG), currently in the DFG priority programs SPP 1798 CoSIP (Compressed Sensing in Information Processing), and the SPP 1914 CPN (Cyber-Physical Networking). I have been a coordinator and principal investigator in the FP7 project 5GNOW on 5G new waveforms (awarded outstanding excellence by EC), and PROPHYLAXE on IoT Physical Layer Security funded by German BMBF (awarded). I have co-chaired numerous international renowned workshops, conference tracks, special issues, particularly in the context of ML/AI and 5G/6G. I have co-chaired the IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 Signal Processing for Communications Symposium and will co-chair the Machine Learning for Communications track at the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2022.
Recently, I have been nominated together with Dr. Müller (BOSCH Stuttgart) and Prof. Paar (Ruhr University Bochum) for the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2017 on behalf of the PROPHYLAXE project.
Awards and Honour:
- 2021 IEEE Best Tutorial Paper Award for paper “5G: A Tutorial Overview of Standards, Trials, Challenges, Deployment, and Practice," appeared in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- 2015 Heisenberg Fellowship of German Science Foundations (DFG)The most prestigious German fellowship (established 1977), awarded for the first time ever to an communication engineer.
- 2014 IEEE Communications Society Award for distinguished service as Tutorials and Workshop Chair
- 2011 National award for outstanding scientific publication in the field of communication engineering by the German communication engineering society (ITG Award 2011):J. Bühler and G. Wunder, Traffic-Aware Optimization of Heterogeneous Access Management, IEEE Transactions on Communications, June 2010, vol. 58, no. 6
- 2003 Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering with Summa Cum Laude
- 1999 Electrical Engineering Diploma with highest honors from TU Berlin
Please check FU website for updated course list