Concept and politics. Perspectives of Gender Studies: "Minority" (3th of July 2019)
News from Jul 01, 2019
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. med. Shirin Amir-Moazami, Institute of Islamic Studies
Abstract: Concept and politics of "minority" are of central importance for current gender research. In the first step, I show that the term arose in a Christian context and has been translated into a political-legal in the course of the "post-Westphalian order". Here also imperialism and colonialism will be discussed. The next step involves relevant discussions in which national, ethnic, religious or sexual "minorities" are negotiated in liberal orders. I will focus on the pitfalls of political recognition of minorities in national contexts. After all, based on postcolonial thought movements, I show approaches that are understood as alternatives to the term and politics of "minority".
When? 18:00 - 20:00
Where? Free University of Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45; Room KL 29/235 ("Rostlaube")