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Bachelor’s Degree Program

The Bachelor's program in Bioinformatics is a joint institution of Freie Universität Berlin (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy) and Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The program was classified as a BUA joint degree program in June 2024. This classification is given to research-oriented cooperative degree programs of the partners of the Berlin University Alliance, which are dedicated to topics of global significance and have a distinct interdisciplinary and international profile.

The Berlin University Alliance is an alliance of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin and Charité, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Berlin within the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

Study and Examination Regulations 

Please note: Solely the German version is legally binding.

General Information on the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Bioinformatics

The provisions of the then-applicable study and examination regulations apply.


  • Standard program duration: 6 semesters
  • 180 credits
  • This degree program qualifies graduates to enter a profession
  • Examinations are administered during the program
  • Academic degree awarded: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
  • Graduates can continue in their studies, pursuing the degree of Master of Science
  • Limited admissions
  • Language of instruction: German
  • Further Information (in German)

Educational Objectives

  • A broad-based fundamental academic education in computer science, mathematics/statistics, and biology/chemistry/biochemistry
  • The ability to apply mathematical and computer science methods in the field of the life sciences
  • Understanding and analysis of biological and medical issues and their solutions using methods and findings drawn from bioinformatics
  • Qualification for a professional activity in research/development in the field of pharmacy, medicine, or biotechnology
  • Qualification for ongoing study within a master’s degree program

Program Content

  • The core subject of bioinformatics is divided into three study areas: computer science, mathematics and statistics, and biology/chemistry/biochemistry.
  • The study area of computer science encompasses fundamental education in computer science and imparts fundamental knowledge and skills in the areas of programming, computer systems, algorithms, and data structures. Students are also given an overview of methods used in bioinformatics, including working methods.
  • The study area of mathematics and statistics gives students fundamental knowledge and skills in the areas of analysis (differentiation, integration, ordinary differential equations), linear algebra (matrix calculations, eigenvalues, principal axis transformation), statistics (elementary probability theory, basic statistical terminology, theories of decision-making, testing, and estimation, linear statistical methods), and computer-oriented mathematics (numerical visualization, stability and condition, efficiency and complexity-related terms, numerical linear algebra, numerical quadrature and integration).
  • The study area of biology/chemistry/biochemistry serves to impart fundamental knowledge and skills in the following sub-areas of biology: cell functions, the molecular bases therefor and changes therein due to viral infections and in the case of tumors, genetics and physiology/neurobiology (functional mechanisms of essential neuronal and vegetative systems: central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, heart, respiration, kidneys; principles of information processing, regulation, behavior, and learning). Added to this are fundamental knowledge and skills in chemistry (atomic structure and periodic system, molecules, bonds, chemical reactions and balances, reaction kinetics, energy and thermodynamics). The program also aims to give students fundamental knowledge and skills in biochemistry: the structure and function of biologically relevant macromolecules, including experimental methods, intermediate metabolic and regulation mechanisms, cellular biochemistry, and signal transduction.

Structure and Organization

  1. Core subject: bioinformatics (150 credits)
    including bachelor’s thesis with oral presentation (12 credits)
  2. Study area: general professional skills (Allgemeine Berufsvorbereitung, ABV) (30 credits)

Study Area: Computer Science

Computer Science A Module (8 credits)
Computer Science B Module (8 credits)
Algorithms and Data Structures Module (6 credits)
Algorithms and Data Structures Module – Practical Course (6 credits)
Algorithmic Bioinformatics Module (14 credits)

Study Area: Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics for Students of Bioinformatics I Module (8 credits)
Mathematics for Students of Bioinformatics II Module (8 credits)
Computer-Oriented Mathematics I Module (5 credits)
Computer-Oriented Mathematics II Module (5 credits)
Statistics for Biological Sciences I Module (6 credits)
Statistics for Biological Sciences II Module (8 credits)

Study Area: Biology/Chemistry/Biochemistry

General Chemistry Module (7 credits)
General Biology Module (6 credits)
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I Module (6 credits)
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry II Module (6 credits)
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry III Module (6 credits)
Genetics and Genome Research Module (5 credits)
Medical Physiology Module (8 credits)
Neurobiology Module (5 credits)
Elective area (7 credits)
Advanced modules in one of the abovementioned study areas (7 credits)
Study Area: General Professional Skills (Allgemeine Berufsvorbereitung, ABV)
Project Management in the Software Field (10 credits)
Professional Internship (10 credits)
Freely selected modules from the ABV skill areas (10 credits)