Free / Open Source Software Engineering Group This is the homepage of the Free/Open Source Software Engineering Group at the Free University Berlin. We are part o...
* Set HOME=http://www.inf.fu se/teaching/S OpenSource 2004 This is the home page of a past seminar. The most current one is at SeminarOpenSourc...
* Set TITLE = Seminar Open Source 2004 Topic "Software Architecture" Topic "Software Architecture" When talking about software architecture, one refers to t...
* Set HOME=http://www.inf.fu se/teaching/S OpenSource 2005 This is the home page of a past seminar. The most current one is at SeminarOpenSourc...
* Set HOME=http://www.inf.fu se/teaching/S OpenSource 2006 This is the home page of a past seminar. The most current one is at SeminarOpenSourc...
Lehre / Teaching This information is of primarily local interest and is therefore in German only. Lehrveranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering: Lauf...