Page ForumSpaceP2 This page will be the discussion forum. Comments to the proposal talk on April 21 Here are some additional comments that haven't been made in t...
GenomeComparisonGroup: TWiki access control group for Genome Comparison Research log * Set GROUP = Main.BirteKehr, Main.KnutReinert, Main.DavidWeese, Main.Manu...
MSc Thesis: Simulation of Genomes and Genome Evolution Also see the attached PDF file with figures. Motivation The explosion of the availability of genomic data ...
Projektmanagement im Softwarebereich SeqAn 2013 Dies ist die Wiki Seite zum Praktikum Projektmanagement im Softwarebereich SeqAn. Alle Zeiten sind s.t. also w...
Page PSMB_Seqan_2013_PEMer PEMer overview, Figure 1 from (Korbel et al., 2009). Hintergrund: Paired End Signaturen und Strukturvarianten Als Strukturvarianten be...
Page StellarTuning export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/" ./stellar d hs_ref_chr10.fa q contig_0000aa.fa.2000 l 30 k 16 e 0.03...