How to add the first administrator If you haven't previously set up an administrator, follow these steps: * Note: This help text will disappear once you have ...
For the impatient 1 login to adagio or allegro 1 copy your data, if necessary (allegro home) 1 submit job 1 check job $ ssh allegro # or ssh adagio ...
Fehlerbehebung Fehler slurm_receive_msg: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received Ursache: munge auth fehlerhaft Node down scontrol update NodeName=NODENAME Stat...
SLURM statt TORQUE Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management SLURM ist wie TORQUE ein 'Ressource Manager' zum Betrieb von Clustern, aber weitaus variabler und ...
Admin Doku torque OBSOLETE! Neu per slurm at: Admin tasks now in `slurm` Analyse auf welcher Node läuft Job X? qstat n $JOB_ID # oder allgemein qstat n 1 l...
allegro Cluster allegro allegro is a hybrid x86 and GPU cluster and consists of a total of ~1000 cores and roughly 3.5 TB RAM located in different node types. Th...