Prof. Dr. Alexander Bockmayr
Summer Term 2021 | Webex |
Date | Title | presented by |
08.07.21 | PhD rehearsal talk | Katinka Becker |
Date | Title | presented by |
12.10.20 | Development of a Regulatory-Metabolic Network of E. coli and a Software Package to Solve Regulatory deFBA Models | Hannes Baukmann |
No group meetings
Date | Title | presented by |
15.10.19 | Group meeting and planning for the new semester | All |
15.11.19 | Logical data analysis of biological data sets using ASP | Katinka Becker |
18.12.19 | Trap spaces in buffered logical networks | Aurélien Naldi |
07.01.20 | Cellular trade-offs and resource allocation during photoautotrophic growth | Marjan Faizi |
23.01.20 | CoLoMoTo notebook: current and future integration of complementary logical modelling tools | Aurélien Naldi |
04.02.20 | Towards a deFBA Model of Escherichia coli | Hannes Baukmann |
12.03.20 | PhD rehearsal talk | Lin Liu |
19.03.20 | 2nd PhD rehearsal talk | Lin Liu |
No group meetings
Date | Title | presented by |
29.10.18 | Group meeting and planning for the new semester | All |
19.11.18 | Analysing MycoDB - An Application of Deep Learning in Ecology | Stefan Stiller |
26.11.18 | Formalizing metabolic-regulatory networks by hybrid automata | Lin Liu |
17.12.18 | Logical Analysis of Cookies | Katinka Becker and Alexander Bockmayr |
07.01.19 | dFBA | Alexander Bockmayr |
14.01.19 | SR-FBA | Alexander Bockmayr |
21.01.19 | iFBA | Alexander Bockmayr |
28.01.19 | idFBA | Alexander Bockmayr |
19.02.19 | Group meeting | All |
25.02.19 | Group meeting | All |
25.03.19 | Model reduction of a metabolic-genetic network Formalizing metabolic-regulatory networks by hybrid automata |
Neveen Eshtewy Lin Liu |
04.04.19 | Formalizing metabolic-regulatory networks by hybrid automata | Lin Liu |
Date | Title | presented by![]() |
04.10.18 | Model reduction of a small metabolic-genetic network | Neveen Eshtewy |
12.10.18 | Model reduction of a small metabolic-genetic network | Neveen Eshtewy |
25.05.18 | Inferring regulatory rules | Manon Bondouy |
07.08.18 | A mathematical framework for yield (vs. rate) optimization | Jürgen Zanghellini |
28.08.18 | Gene regulation in FBA & comparing to the previous study Logical modelling: inferring structure from dynamics |
Hung-Ching Chang Ling Sun |
26.09.18 | Comparing Answer Set Programming (ASP) and Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) in Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) | Hafiz Muhammad Hamid |
24.04.18 | Mathematical Modeling of Cell Metabolism coupled to Enzyme Turnover | Dana Wehner |
17.04.18 | Group meeting and planning for the new semester | All |
30.07.18 | Bilevel optimisation in metabolic engineering Reduction, Projection, and Simplification of Metabolic Networks |
A. Röhl |
07.08.18 | PhD Defense | A. Röhl |
Date | Title | presented by |
04.10.17 | Inference of logical rules for metabolic pathway activation Understanding metabolic regulation and cellular resource allocation through optimization |
A.-M. Reimers |
12.10.17 | PhD Defense | A.-M. Reimers |
16.10.17 | Modeling the circadian clock | R. El-Athman |
18.10.17 | Logical modelling and Drosophila embryo development Relating the structure and dynamics of gene regulatory networks |
L. Sun |
25.10.17 | PhD Defense | L. Sun |
06.11.17 | Numerical solution of dynamic metabolic resource allocation problems | M. Köbis |
20.11.17 | Predicting dynamic resource allocation with regulation | L. Liu |
27.11.17 | Reduction of networks: Optimization and projection | A. Röhl |
05.12.17 | Machine learning for aeronautical applications | M. Bondouy |
11.12.17 | Kinetic modeling of a core metabolic network including enzyme resources | N. Eshtewy |
08.01.18 | Deducing core models from sets of destination values | T. Lorenz |
17.01.18 | The regulatory network of E. coli metabolism | All |
22.01.18 | Continuation: The regulatory network of E. coli metabolism | All |
29.01.18 | Continuation: The regulatory network of E. coli metabolism | All |
06.02.18 | Intermediate results: The regulatory network of E. coli metabolism | All |
12.02.18 | Curation, validation, and extension of a comprehensive metabolic human kidney model | T. Marschall |
20.02.18 | Continuation: The regulatory network of E. coli metabolism | All |
14.03.18 | Exploring the optimal solution space in regulatory flux balance analysis | L. Liu |
05.04.18 | Rehearsal talks for the CBS retreat in Hiddensee | N. Eshtewy and L. Liu |
Date | Title | presented by |
25.04.17 | Group meeting | All |
03.05.17 | A minimal model for cyanobacterial resource allocation | M. Faizi |
16.05.17 | IMPRS Colloquium | |
23.05.17 | Regulatory resource balance analysis | L.Liu |
31.05.17 | Berechnung von elementaren Flussmodi durch Graphensuche | M. Sarfert |
13.06.17 | Computation of minimal metabolic behaviors | T. Riou |
14.06.17 | Aufbereitung der Darstellung von Zustandsmengen Boolescher biologischer Netzwerke | S. Nee |
27.06.17 | Kinetic modeling of a small metabolic-genetic network | N. Eshtewy |
04.07.17 | Enzyme cost and metabolic flux cost functions | W. Liebermeister |
11.07.17 | Irreversible minimal cut sets | A. Röhl |
18.07.17 | Multi-objective metabolic optimization for single organisms and for communities | I. Ziska |
Date | Title | presented by |
17.10.16 | Using optimization to predict activation in metabolic pathways | F. Dick |
24.10.16 | Designing a small model of zinc homeostasis in human liver cells | T. Marschall |
14.11.16 | Group meeting | All |
21.11.16 | ODE-Models of the Cytokinin Signaling Pathway | R. Schwieger |
28.11.16 | Exploring the optimal flux space in the growth of E.coli through regulatory FBA | L. Liu |
05.12.16 | Analysis of dihedral angles of protein subsequences | H. M. Hamid |
12.12.16 | Toolbox for modeling uncertain systems using logical models | K. Thobe |
09.01.17 | Inferring a network through a matroid determined from perturbation data | T. Gross |
16.01.17 | TREMPPI: What does it do? How does it do it? | A. Streck |
25.01.17 | Group meeting | All |
06.02.17 | BIMoS Day "Mixture Models as Tools for Complex Classification Problems" | TU Berlin |
13.02.17 | Metabolic regulation | All |
07.03.17 | Minimum sets of elementary flux modes | A. Röhl |
20.03.17 | Translation of CellDesigner SBML to the rxncon language: turning large network maps into executable models Petri Net Modelling of Regulatory Network Data Using the rxncon Framework |
R. Henning M. Wajnberg |
Date | Title | presented by |
19.04.16 | Group meeting | All |
26.04.16 | Internal group meeting | AG MathLife |
03.05.16 | Relating trap spaces in different models of regulatory networks | R. Schwieger |
10.05.16 | Talk on research internship in the group of Edda Klipp Cancer classification based on miRNA profiles using ASP |
S. Forgo K. Becker and H. Klarner |
17.05.16 | Exploring the optimal polyhedron in dynamic rFBA | L. Liu |
24.05.16 | From biological functions to underlying regulatory structure patterns | L. Sun |
30.05.16 | Using optimization to predict activation in metabolic pathways | F. Dick |
14.06.16 | Minimal Extreme Pathways and Minimal Metabolic Behaviours | A. Röhl |
21.06.16 | Tutorial on MILP | A. Bockmayr |
28.06.16 | Internal group meeting | AG MathLife |
12.07.16 | Internal group meeting | AG MathLife |
19.07.16 | Sign consistency in regulatory networks | M. Liedtke |
12.09.16 | Evaluating the stoichiometric and energetic constraints of cyanobacterial diurnal growth | A.-M. Reimers |
Date | Title | presented by |
12.10.15 | Two approaches for relating dynamics in discrete models to dynamics in continuous models of regulatory networks | R. Schwieger |
19.10.15 | Confronting knowledge networks on signaling networks with phosphoproteomics datasets using combinatorial optimization approaches | A. Siegel |
02.11.15 | Software tutorial for PyBoolNet | H. Klarner |
09.11.15 | BIMoS Day Combinatorial Optimization | |
23.11.15 | Software tutorial for PyBoolNet | H. Klarner |
01.12.15 | Software tutorial for TREMPPI | A. Streck |
14.12.15 | Minimal cut sets | M. Litz |
04.01.16 | Group meeting | All |
11.01.16 | Mathematical modeling of medial calcification | M. Faizi |
18.01.16 | Detecting patterns in biological datasets using answer set programming | K. Becker |
25.01.16 | ECMath Workshop | |
01.02.16 | Reduction of metabolic network models | A. Röhl |
08.02.16 | Sign consistency in interaction graphs | M. Liedtke |
Date | Title | presented by |
13.04.15 | Group meeting | All |
20.04.15 | Matheon Center Days | |
27.04.15 | Group meeting | All |
04.05.15 | BIMoS Day Compressed Sensing | |
11.05.15 | PhD defense | A. Palinkas |
18.05.15 | IMPRS | |
01.06.15 | BIMoS Day Machine Learning | |
08.06.15 | A discrete stochastic model of protein translation | M. Seeger |
15.06.15 | Networks of networks | P. Koltai |
22.06.15 | Rational Design of Antibiotic Treatment Plans | Bernd Sturmfels |
29.06.15 | A delayed Boolean model of the mammalian core clock | P. Pett |
06.07.15 | Overview diploma thesis | R. Schwieger |
13.07.15 | Logical Analysis of Perturbation Data | K. Becker |
14.09.15 | Integrated model of regulation and metabolism | Prof. Zhuo Wang |
Date | Title | presented by |
13.10.14 | Group meeting | All |
20.10.14 | Conference reports | All |
27.10.14 | PhD defense | V. Pandey |
12.11.14 | Model integration and crosstalk analysis of logical regulatory networks | K. Thobe |
17.11.14 | Group meeting | All |
24.11.14 | Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) | A. Bockmayr |
01.12.14 | Discussion on logical data analysis | All |
08.12.14 | Parameter estimation | S. Röblitz |
15.12.14 | PhD rehearsal talk | L. David |
05.01.15 | Group meeting | All |
12.01.15 | Preparation of CSB Review | A. Bockmayr |
19.01.15 | Metabolic regulation | A. Bockmayr |
26.01.15 | Exploring interaction graphs producing a given set of fixpoints | L. Sun |
02.02.15 | ASP | K. Becker / A. Röhl |
09.02.15 | Dynamic flux balance analysis including enzyme costs | A.-M. Reimers |
02.03.15 | Mathematical modeling of Mönckeberg's disease | M. Faizi |
09.03.15 | Dynamic constraint-based modeling of the metabolism of photosynthetic organisms | A.-M. Reimers |
16.03.15 | A Systems Biology Approach to Herbicide Resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides | N. J. Wendel |
19.03.15 | Extensions for LTL model checking of Thomas networks EFM-Recorder Faster Elementary Mode Enumeration via Reaction Coupling Order |
A. Streck A. Röhl |
23.03.15 | Logical Analysis of Biological Data Feedback loops and dynamical properties in discrete models of gene regulation |
K. Becker T. Lorenz |
Date | Title | presented by |
14.04.14 | Group meeting | All |
22.04.14 | Enzyme allocation problems in kinetic metabolic networks | S. Müller |
28.04.14 | Answer Set Programming | AG Schaub, Uni Potsdam |
05.05.14 | E. coli, Hinxton and Lausanne reports | A. Streck, H. Klarner |
12.05.14 | Crosstalk analysis | K. Thobe |
19.05.14 | A decomposition theory for vertex enumeration of polyhedra | A.C. Reimers |
26.05.14 | IMPRS | |
02.06.14 | Selecting the optimal stimulus set for functional identification of glomeruli in the olfactory bulb Analysis of a circadian clock DDE model |
M. Schroeder P. Pett |
11.06.14 | MAPK Case Study and ASP/ILP Benchmarks | H. Klarner |
23.06.14 | On the relation between interaction and state transition graphs (Slides) | L. Sun |
14.07.14 | Logical modelling of T-helper cell specification | D. Thieffry |
Date | Title | presented by |
14.10.13 | Group meeting, conference reports | All |
22.10.13 | Space-efficient reachability algorithm with applications in computational systems biology | A. Streck |
05.11.13 | k-modules in metabolic networks | A. Müller |
12.11.13 | Measuring techniques | K. Thobe |
26.11.13 | Using linear programming solvers for flux coupling analysis | T. Marschall |
03.12.13 | The IRMA article "A Yeast Synthetic Network for In Vivo Assessment of Reverse-Engineering and Modeling Approaches" | All |
06.12.13 | Fixed point reachability in monotone Boolean networks | A. Richard |
17.12.13 | Introduction into the topic of complexity | Y. Goldstein |
07.01.14 | Predicting the Asymptotic Behaviors of Boolean Networks | H. Klarner |
21.01.14 | The article "Network quantification of EGFR signaling unveils potential for targeted combination therapy" | All |
28.01.14 | Mass spectrometry | Tim Conrad |
04.02.14 | Further discussion of the article "Network quantification of EGFR signaling unveils potential for targeted combination therapy" | All |
11.02.14 | Approaches to Modelling the Regulation of a Metabolic Network | A. Palinkas |
Date | Title | presented by |
08.04.13 | Group meeting | |
15.04.13 | Robustness of Circadian Rhythms | S. Jamshidi |
22.04.13 | Using models to interprete signalling perturbation data | N. Blüthgen |
29.04.13 | Gaussian Model for Transcriptional Regulatory Elements using ENCODE ChIP-seq Data Discrete Modeling of the MAPK-mTor Pathway Connection in Cancer |
M. Rauer K. Thobe |
06.05.13 | Internship at Alacris Theranostics Structural Control of Metabolic Flux |
N. C. Wendel M. Sajitz-Hermstein |
13.05.13 | Dynamical systems and NSA: A different approach to attractors | J. Slavik |
27.05.13 | Inferring interaction graphs from state transition graphs | L. Sun |
03.06.13 | Esther: Introducing an on-line platform for parameter identification | A. Streck |
10.06.13 | Minimal representations of logical functions | A. Palinkas |
17.06.13 | IMPRS Colloquium | |
24.06.13 | Steps to tFBA on E.coli iAF1260 - Propagation of Chemical Potentials | A. Müller |
01.07.13 | Modeling and simulation of a mouse model in NASH (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) |
V. Pandey |
14.08.13 | A dynamical neural network model for the competitive integration of bottom-up and top-down attention signals in superior colliculus | J. Hesse |
10.9.13 | Flux modules in metabolic networks | A. Müller |
14.9.13 | A lattice-theoretic framework for metabolic pathway analysis Constrained flux coupling analysis |
Y. Goldstein L. David |
Date | Title | presented by |
08.10.12 | Modeling and analysis of the cytokinin signaling pathway's regulatory mechanisms | F. Topcu-Alici |
15.10.12 | Group meeting, conference reports | All |
22.10.12 | Finding modules of alternative pathways | A. Müller |
29.10.12 | Basics of omega-regular languages and model checking theory | A. Streck |
31.10.12 | Intelligent LTL model checking in the framework of Thomas | A. Streck |
19.11.12 | Morphogen interpretation in Boolean regulatory networks | M. Seeger |
26.11.12 | Network-level dynamics of diffusively coupled cells. | S. Waldherr |
03.12.12 | A primer on optimal control with applications to metabolic networks | S. Waldherr |
10.12.12 | Was ist eine blockierte Reaktion im Zellstoffwechsel? Ein Vergleich zweier diskreter Modellierungsansätze |
Y. Goldstein |
19.12.12 | Untersuchung metabolischer Netzwerke mit Verbandstheorie (PhD Defense) | Y. Goldstein |
07.01.13 | Gene network reconstruction | A. Bockmayr |
14.01.13 | Gene regulation mediated by metabolism | A. Palinkas |
21.01.13 | Updating Boolean automata networks | M. Noual |
28.01.13 | Minimal paths in metabolic networks | A. Kraft |
04.02.13 | Automated model generation with COPASI | I. Parchao B. Hillmer |
11.02.13 | Thesis progress report | H. Klarner |
18.03.13 | Analysing a piecewise affine model using the Thomas formalism | S. Jamshidi |
Date | Title | presented by |
10.04.12 | Group meeting | All |
24.04.12 | Searching for synergetic regulations in gene and protein networks | J. Bethune |
26.04.12 | Preparation TdM | All |
03.05.12 | Preparation TdM | All |
22.05.12 | Final presentations: Software project | |
05.06.12 | Modeling and analysis of the cytokinin signaling pathway's regulatory mechanisms | F. Topcu-Alici |
12.06.12 | Progress Report 1: A constraint language for parametrizations | H. Klarner |
18.06.12 | Oscillations and variability in the p53-Mdm2 network | W. Abou-Jaoudé |
28.06.12 | Optimising metabolic production with several steady-states | A. Palinkas |
03.07.12 | Abstract Thermo Flows - Inferring Blocked Reactions from Metabolite Potentials | A. Müller |
10.07.12 | Three approaches for finding internal components in metabolic networks. | L. David |
17.07.12 | The Starbucks Lemma: Metabolic models blended to your personal flavor | Y. Goldstein |
14.08.12 | Robustness analysis and adaptation in biochemical networks | S. Waldherr (Stuttgart) |
Date | Title | presented by |
11.10.11 | Group meeting | All |
17.10.11 | Group meeting | All |
24.10.11 | Ordinary and piecewise linear differential equation models of regulatory networks | S. Jamshidi |
02.11.11 | An S-System Parameter Estimation Method for Biological Networks - SPEM | X. Yang |
07.11.11 | Lattice Theory for Metabolic Networks - About Applications for the Lattice’s Maximum | Y. Goldstein |
14.11.11 | Thermodynamic Constraints in Metabolic Networks | A. Müller |
28.11.11 | Tailoring the search for elementary modes | L. David |
05.12.11 | Analysis and characterization of asynchronous state transition graphs using extremal states | T. Lorenz |
12.12.11 | Group meeting | All |
02.01.12 | 2012 | A. Bockmayr |
09.01.12 | Constructing logical models of gene regulatory networks: an entropy based approach | G. Karlebach |
16.01.12 | Thermodynamic flux coupling analysis | Y. Goldstein A. Müller |
23.01.12 | Refined analysis of the structure and dynamics of Thomas models | J. Hesse S. Meiers J. Tackmann |
30.01.12 | On the mathematical theory of Ganti's chemoton | A. Rettig |
06.02.12 | Eine kurze Geschichte der Kauffman-Vermutung | H. Siebert |
13.02.12 | Vorbereitung "Tag der Mathematik" | All |
20.02.12 | Modeling of hepatic glucose metabolism in Humans | M. König |
29.02.12 | Reverse engineering with trap sets | H. Klarner |
05.03.12 | Modelling and simulation studies of biological systems related to steatohepatitis | V. Pandey |
15.03.12 | Comparing Discrete and Piecewise-Affine Differential Equation Models of Gene Regulatory Networks | S. Jamshidi |
21.03.12 | tba | All |
04.04.12 | Regulation of metabolic networks in stoichiometric models | A. Palinkas |
Date | Title | presented by |
12.04.11 | Group meeting | All |
19.04.11 | tba | H. Klarner |
26.04.11 | Mapping Protein Patterns to Genome | H. Aarabi |
10.05.11 | Discrete Dynamical Systems | H. Siebert |
11.05.11 | PhD defense talk | A. Marashi |
17.05.11 | Flux Coupling Analysis | L. David |
24.05.11 | PhD students meeting | A. Bockmayr |
31.05.11 | Advantages of the refined PADE | S. Jamshidi |
09.06.11 | Regulatory Flux Balance Analysis (rFBA) | A. Palinkas |
14.06.11 | Verbände in metabolischen Systemen -- Flusskopplungsanalyse durch Verbandstheorie vereinfachen |
Y. Goldstein |
21.06.11 | Topological analysis and hybrid-based simulation studies of large cellular systems | V. Pandey |
28.06.11 | How to find logical parameters of gene regulatory networks? CP vs. SAT | J. Denissen |
29.06.11 | Ein Populationsmodell zur Produktion rekombinanter Antikörper | N. Schöne |
12.07.11 | Detection of Structural Sources of Robustness in Biochemical Reaction Networks Using a Simplified Analytical Method |
J. Neigenfind |
25.08.11 10.15 |
Reverse Engineering a Regulatory Network in Yeast and Hybrid Methods for Parameter Estimation |
B. Stigler |
06.09.11 | Parameter inference for asynchronous logical networks using discrete time series | H. Klarner |
27.09.11 | Conference reports (ICSB, WCB, CMSB, Metabolic Pathways) | All |
Date | Title | presented by |
09.09.10 | Group meeting | All |
21.09.10 | Stochasticity in reactions: a probabilistic Boolean modeling approach | S. Twardziok |
27.09.10 | Algebraische Eigenschaften von Flussmustern | Y. Goldstein |
18.10.10 | Group Meeting: Semesterplanung | All |
27.10.10 | Projekt AG Holzhütter | |
01.11.10 | Model checking and parameter inference in the Thomas calculus | J. Denißen |
04.11.10 | Using symbolic constraints in metabolic network modeling | L. Jeschio |
08.11.10 | Identification of Potential Drug Targets in Kinetic Models: From Experimental Data to Drug Candidates |
M. Schulz |
15.11.10 | A new probabilistic approach in predictive microbiology | N. Schöne |
22.11.10 | TBA meeting | A. Bockmayr |
29.11.10 | Metabolome analysis in cancer | S. Kempa (BIMSB) |
02.12.10 | Discrete tomography | C. Heldt |
06.12.10 | TIGERNET | |
13.12.10 | Petri nets for integrated models of metabolism and its regulation | A. Palinkas |
14.12.10 | PhD defense | C. Heldt |
10.01.11 | Consistency of discrete formalisms | S. Jamshidi |
17.01.11 | Thesis report | S. Farke |
24.01.11 | Comparing multivalued regulatory networks with their Boolean counterpart | T. Lorenz |
31.01.11 | PREDICT: Datenintegration | J. Erehman |
07.02.11 | Journey to NY | Y. Goldstein |
14.02.11 | The second Thomas conjecture | H. Klarner |
Date | Title | presented by |
13.04.10 | Group meeting | All |
27.04.10 | Extensions of ConsensusPathDB | H. Galicka |
04.05.10 | Comparison of qualitative models of gene regulatory networks | S. Jamshidi |
20.05.10 | Model selection with discretized protein expression data | H. Klarner |
27.05.10 | Analysis of metabolic subnetworks by flux cone projection I | L. David S..A. Marashi |
01.06.10 | Analysis of metabolic subnetworks by flux cone projection II | L. David S.A. Marashi |
03.06.10 | Visualization of metabolic systems | Y. Goldstein |
22.06.10 | Mechanisms of post-transctiptional regulation | M. Jens (BIMSB) |
23.06.10 | Metabolism of C. reinhardtii | M. Rügen |
08.07.10 | Projekt AG Holzhütter | |
13.07.10 | Ongoing diploma and master theses | L. Jeschio J. Denißen A. Palinkas T. Lorenz |