Solving the Multi read assignment problem Description This thesis should provide new ideas to solve the problem of multi read assignment for NGS data. Based on...
Multi Split Mapping of NGS reads for variant detection Student Kathrin Trappe Academic Advisor Prof. Dr. Knut Reinert, Anne Katrin Emde Expose The goal ...
Algorithm Engineering for High Throughput Sequencing Data Summary During the last five years modern sequencing technologies have brought a super exponential grow...
Page ThesisGPGPUSeqan Myers Bit Vector Algorithm on GPU for Seqan Massiv parallelization of Myers Fast Bit Vector Algorithm for Approximate String Matchinsg us...
Page ThesisGenomesPerMail ((short description what this page is about)) Expose Rene, please write an expose for the thesis here with the following tasks. Task...
NGS Data Cleaning TODO: Manuel Note that we can shift the focus of the thesis much stronger towards programming/implementation if you want to program! Next Genera...
Weekly Report for the DFG project: Algorithm Engineering for High Throughput Sequencing Data Summarizes the weekly progress of the DFG project. Jul 2011 * 01....