Page ShortPaperPresentations

Groups and papers

List of groups together with the papers to be presented during the lecture on January 18. Details are presented on the exercise sheet number 9.

Please complete the entries for you group. Each paper can be presented by max. two groups.

group members topic (paper)
Bethune, Wuithschick, Pommer Microarray probe design ref[29]
Josten, Winkelmann, Thieme Motif finding ref[19]
Metge, Penzlin, Matzig Rearrangement of DNA fragments: a branch-and-cut algorithm ref[18]
Mayer, Mendt, Liebers Microarray probe design ref[29]
Love, Siragusa, You Computing physical maps of chromosomes with nonoverlapping probes by branch-and-cut. ref[29]
Stolpe, Kuhring, Chefai Rearrangement of DNA fragments: a branch-and-cut algorithm ref[18]
Celik, Mattes, Wettig A Linear Programming Approach for Optimal Protein Encoding ref[11]

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