Learning units

Learning unit 1A to Introduction to Proteomics and Metabolomics

Learning unit 1B to Overview of separation techniques

Learning unit 1C to Introduction to mass spectrometry

Learning unit 1D to Basic proteomic techniques and applications

Learning unit 1E to Basic metabolomics techniques and applications

Lecture slides

Lecture slides


Here you can find some exercises about KNIME, Omics in general and proteomics. They will be discussed on October 24th.

Exercises for CPM lecture 0

Exercises about the topics of lecture 1 can be found in the following and are due October 31st.

Exercises for CPM lecture 1


Learning unit 1C to Introduction to mass spectrometry

Complete lecture given by Oliver Kohlbacher

References/Further Reading

can be found in our Google Drive.
Topic revision: r9 - 24 Oct 2014, liangoaix - This page was cached on 15 Mar 2025 - 08:10.

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