Page Genomics13

Welcome to the Wiki of the MSc lecture Genomics (19711 - CUB848/CUB849).


Nachklausur: : The 2nd exam will be oral. It will be on April 1st from 9 am on. Please contact me for a time slot.

Die Ergebnisse der Review sind online.

Ich brauch die Mailadresse von Karl Baczkowski !!!

Ergebniss des 1. Reviews sind online.

ACHTUNG. Die Übung am 5.12. fällt aus. Die Review findet am 28.11. statt.

Am 21.11 ist normal Übung. Lecture 5 wird nicht relevant für den ersten Review sein, sondern für den 2.

Times and Dates

Event Day Time Address Room
Lecture (CUB848) Tue 14-16 Arnimallee 6 SR 007/008
Exercise (CUB849) Thu 08-10 Takustraße 9 SR 006


Date Lecture Lecturer
15.10.-26.11. Algorithms for approximate string search in NGS data and applications  
15.10.2013 Lecture 1: NGS technologies Robinson
22.10.2013 Lecture 2: Read mapping considerations Reinert
29.10.2013 Lecture 3: Myers bitvector edit distance algorithm Weese
05.11.2013 Lecture 4: Hierarchical pigeonhole filter Weese
12.11.2013 Lecture 5: Variant Calling and Annotation I Robinson
19.11.2013 Lecture 6: Index based methods and the BWT Reinert
26.11.2013 Lecture 7: Variant Calling and Annotation II Robinson
28.11.2013 Review 1 (during exercises)  
03.12.-14.01. Computing genetic variations  
03.12.2013 Lecture 8: Problems in metagenome analysis Reinert/Singer
10.12.2013 Lecture 9: Variant Calling and Annotation II Robinson
17.12.2013 Lecture 10: Structural Variants I Robinson
07.01.2014 Lecture 11: Structural Variants II Robinson
14.01.2014 Review 2 (during exercises)  
.??.??-??.??. Quantitative NGS analysis  
14.01.2014 Lecture 12: RNA-seq I Robinson
21.01.2014 Lecture 13: RNA-seq II Robinson
28.01.2014 Lecture 14: ChIP-seq I Robinson
04.02.2014 Lecture 15: ChIP-Seq II Robinson
11.02.2014 Exam


Discussed at Excerise
31.10.2013 Exercise 2 / Exercise 2 Solutions
07.11.2013 Exercise 3
14.11.2013 Exercise 4
28.11.2013 Exercise 5
05.12.2013 Exercise 6
12.12.2013 Exercise 7
09.01.2014 Exercise 8

Requirements for Aktive Teilnahme

Results exam:

last 4 digits MatrikelnummerSorted ascending points mark
xxx0831 71,5 1,0
xxx2427 70 1,0
xxx2710 48,5 2,7
xxx2952 74,5 1,0
xxx3445 75,5 1,0
xxx3468 64,5 1,0
xxx3598 69,5 1,0
xxx3802 70,5 1,0
xxx4123 59,5 1,3
xxx4280 0 5,0
xxx4686 67 1,0
xxx4969 54 2,0
xxx5174 70,5 1,0
xxx5235 61,5 1,3
xxx5789 78 1,0
xxx5985 79 1,0
xxx6620 81 1,0
xxx6903 76 1,0
xxx7260 78,5 1,0
xxx7263 0 5,0
xxx7470 73,5 1,0
xxx7500 68 1,0
xxx7797 68 1,0
xxx8177 74 1,0
xxx8301 67,5 1,0
xxx8435 68 1,0
xxx8784 75,5 1,0
xxx9371 77 1,0
xxx9384 78 1,0
xxx9991 87 1,0

You need to reach 50% of all points of the two reviews. Results review 1 (problem 2 b) was discounted since it had an error in the formulation, hence a total of 44 points could be achieved).

last 4 digits Matrikelnummer points percent
7260 42 96
5235 23 53
3802 22 50
8784 28 64
7263 28 64
4969 28 64
3598 41 94
3445 30 69
3057 38 87
7470 28 64
3468 26 60
8260 28 64
5789 42 96
6620 30 69
6742 16 37
8301 29 66
2952 36 82
2142 28 64
2427 23 53
4123 33 75
9384 30 69
2710 25 57
7500 38 87
8177 30 69
8435 37 85
4686 36 82

Review 2
last 4 digits Matrikelnummer points percent
4969 33 74
5235 40 91
8789 26 60
8435 40 91
3802 36 83
3598 44 100
7263 34 77
4686 35 80
5789 41 94
3468 30 69
3057 30 69
8177 44 100
3445 30 69
2142 34 77
7500 29 66
7260 40 91
9384 28 63
7470 35 80
9123 25 57
2710 41 94
8301 30 69
2952 35 80
6620 38 86
4280 18 40
2427 24 54

Exam results

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2013-10-31-Genomics-Exercise2.pdfpdf 2013-10-31-Genomics-Exercise2.pdf manage 752 K 31 Oct 2013 - 10:43 HoltgrewUserTopic Solution for Genomics Exercise 2
Genomics-Exercise-BWT.pdfpdf Genomics-Exercise-BWT.pdf manage 60 K 02 Dec 2013 - 09:44 UnknownUser  
Genomics-Exercise-Meta.pdfpdf Genomics-Exercise-Meta.pdf manage 54 K 02 Dec 2013 - 09:59 UnknownUser  
varcall-2013-A.pdfpdf varcall-2013-A.pdf manage 2 MB 14 Nov 2013 - 11:58 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r23 - 14 Mar 2014, ReinertUserTopic - This page was cached on 12 Mar 2025 - 04:06.

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