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FAQ & Support

Note: our FAQ is continuously edited and updated! 

Unfortunately most links on this page are only available in German. If you have questions, feel free to contact us.

Support and Consulting services

At the department Mathematics and Computer Science:

organisational matters Student Advisory Service (Mathematics, Computer Science, International)
personal support (mental wellbeing)


support with the content of classes (for Bachelor modules) Lernzentrum


Central support by the FU Berlin:

Helpful Websites of the department (mostly in German)

Instructions and FAQs

General Computer Science
  • Thesis: FAQ and more information (partly specified on Software Engineering)
  • Module recognition: instruction
  • Examination Board (with detailed information for exams and module recognitions)
  • Thesis: FAQ
  • Module recognition: instruction
  • Master: module list for end of studies
  • Thesis: FAQ

FAQ (from student advisory service)

Here you can find answers to questions about your studies. If you're still feeling unsure about something, feel free to contact us.

The course catalogue provides an overview of all courses of the current (and previous) semester. In the upper bar simply filter by subject area and semester.

You can also use the MVS curriculum planning system (Lehrplanungssystem) to get an overview of past, current and future courses. Under "Courses" you can filter by faculty, department, semester and course language.

In the course catalogue you will find further details about a module, including "Course language" in a information box on the right.

Additionally, you can use the MVS curriculum planning system (Lehrplanungssystem) and filter by course language.

Note: If the course language is "English/German" it may be the case that lectures are offered in English but exercise classes in German or vice-versa. Please ask the instructor for further information.

This video gives you an introduction to CM and explains the registration procedure for courses, among other things.

It may happen that a particular course of the department does not appear in your CM. If you meet all the requirements to attend the course, you can register using this form. Please fill out the form and place it in the mailbox of the examination office.

In well-justified cases, late registration for a course is possible. Please fill in this form and place it in the mailbox of the examination office.

Please refer to this guide on how to register for a course in Whiteboard.

Campus Management and Whiteboard are the most used platforms in the department. Campus Management is the official platform to track your progress and achievements. The registration for a course in Campus Management is mandatory in order to get credit points for your studies. This holds even if you have already booked this course (lecture/exercises/seminar/etc.) in a previous semester

Whiteboard, on the other hand, serves as a helpful tool to give students access to resources and materials of the course (e.g. exercise sheets, lecture scripts, literature, links etc.). Registration is not mandatory, but highly recommended so that students do not miss any important information. In addition, for some courses the registration for the exam and for tutorials is done via Whiteboard.

Other departments and language courses do not use Whiteboard but use Moodle and Blackboard with similar features instead.

As a "Nebenhörer", FU students can also take courses at the TU and HU and get credits for them at the FU.

How the “Nebenhörerschaft” at TU works
a) Fill out the two forms (1) “Antrag auf Nebenhörerschaft” and (2) “Erhebungsbogen für die Nebenhörerschaft” – you can find them here
b) form (1) must be signed by the lecturers of your classes first! Then go to the dean’s office (in German: Dekanat), where the dean (Dekan) will give you the final signature for form (1)
c) after you filled out both forms and received all signatures you must hand in the form in person together with the certificate of matriculation at the Campus Center
d) They will give you the Nebenhörerschaft and you will receive grades for the courses. Usually it is not a big deal to get all the signatures so you can probably attend your classes.

Unfortunately, they do not have any forms in English, so come and meet us during office hours if you need some help.

How the “Nebenhörerschaft” at HU works
a) Fill out this form – this should be self explanatory since it is available in English and quite straight forward.
b) you will need the signature of the lecturers and submit or send the completed form including the lecturer's signature and the department's stamp (and the certificate of matriculation) to „Referat Studierendenservice – Clearingstelle, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin“

Please take a look at the page of the examination office and find out who would be in charge of your major. Write that person a short e-mail that contains what you need and when you expect to arrive here. They will send it to you if they expect that you can still finish that semester sucessfully in the time that is left.