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International Day of Women in Mathematics 2024

Poster 2024

Poster 2024

The CRC proudly participates in promoting the International Day of Women in Mathematics on May 12th. Learn more about the origins of the day here.

In 2024, our program included a special book reading to highlight historically overlooked female mathmaticians. Please also have a look at our program in 2023 and 2022.

Program 2024

Thursday, 16.05.2024, 15:00h (c.t.)

Location: Arnimallee 6, room 031

Special CRC 1114 Colloquium
Barbora Benesova (Charles-University, Prague)

A variational approach to fluid structure interaction

In this talk we will consider the interaction of a Stokes/Navier-Stokes flow with a viscoelastic body. The elastic body is allowed to undergo large de- formations (but no self-collisions). In order to handle this situation correctly, we devise a variational approximation scheme in the spirit of De Giorgi to the combined problem. Moreover, by using a two-scale scheme, we also extend this approach to the hyperbolic regime including inertia of the solid body.

These variational approaches allow us to prove proper energetic estimates while also controlling the geometric restrictions posed on the solid body and, eventually, to establish existence of weak solutions. This is a joint work with Malte Kamp- schulte (Charles University) and Sebastian Schwarzacher (University of Uppsala & Charles University).


Thursday, 16.05.2024, 16:30h

Location: Arnimallee 14, Trakt 3, BoB (Bibliothek ohne Bücher)

Excerpts from “The Secret Lives of Numbers—A Global History of Mathematics & Its Unsung Trailblazers”

Reading by author Timothy Revell with special greeting from author Kate Kitagawa

Despite mathematics' reputation as the study of fundamental truths, cold hard calculations, and irrefutable proofs, it has not escaped the powerful individuals and structures that have shaped truth and knowledge. Far from it: The history of mathematics has accumulated biases over thousands of years - from the way certain mathematics and mathematicians are revered to the stories we tell about its origins. In their book, Kate Kitagawa and Timothy Revell examine the patterns and retell the stories of mathematical trailblazers who have been erased by history because of their race, gender or nationality.

Afterwards, please stay for a small bite, drinks and discussions.


About the authors:

Dr Kate Kitagawa is one of the world's leading experts on the history of mathematics. She earned a PhD from Princeton University, taught history at Harvard University and conducted research in the UK, Germany and South Africa. Her first book was a national bestseller in Japan, and she has been named one of the 100 most influential people in Japan by Nikkei Business. She is currently Senior Counselor for International Relations at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. She has a strong passion for tackling global issues, including inequality, and wished to show the value of diversity by co-authoring this book.

Dr Timothy Revell is a journalist and lapsed mathematician. He is currently the Executive Editor for New Scientist and is based in London. As a reporter and editor, he specialises in technology and mathematics, covering everything from artificial intelligence to the Abel prize. He appears regularly on WNYC's Science Friday, as well as on other podcasts and radio to talk about the latest developments in science. He has a master's degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in computer science.