Master Mathematics
The Master's Program in Mathematics builds on the Bachelor's Program and imparts deeper scientific knowledge, as well as the ability to apply methods and knowledge of mathematics and to conduct research in a selected mathematical field.
Students who successfully complete this program are awarded the degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mathematics.
The Master's Program Mathematics at Freie Universität especially profits from the following top research areas:
- Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Number Theory and Topology
- Scientific Computing and Bioinformatics
- Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms
Information on the program and course requirements can be found in the degree regulations ("Studienordnung“) which contains detailed descriptions of the course contents and objectives and presents examples of courses of studies. The examination regulations ("Prüfungsordnung") specify the exam type and requirements for completing modules and the master's thesis. The number of credit points ("LP--Leistungspunkte") for each module is specified in both the degree and the examination regulations.
Master‘s degree and exam regulations 30. Mai 2018
Master's degree and exam regulations December 2011
Structure of the master's program
Successful completion of 90 credit points (LP) in the following subject areas
Algebra, Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations, Discrete Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Dynamic Systems, Numerics, Stochastics, Topology, Number Theory
and a master‘s thesis (30 credit points) are required for the Master‘s degree in Mathematics.
The 90 credit points are subdivided as follows:
1. Basic Modules: 50 credit points (LP)
Two Basic Modules (with the exception of only one in Number Theory) will be offered for each of the 10 subject areas above distributed over different semesters. These can be chosen according to preference and without prerequisites. At least three Basic Modules will be offered every semester.
2. Intermediate Module: 5 credit points (LP)
One Intermediate Module (Aufbaumodul) should be selected and completed in the subject area in which at least one Basic Module was completed. This introduces the student to the current state of research in this area.
3. Advanced Module: 5 credit points (LP)
In each of the 10 areas of study above one Advanced Module (Vertiefungsmodul) will be offered which requires independent study and a presentation on a current topic of research.
4. Supplemental Modules: 30 credit points (LP)
These (Ergänzungsmodule) are not graded or pass/fail and allow one to choose supplemental lectures and seminars in the modules mentioned above or even in modules in related scientific fields.