Friederike Meyer:
Reflecting on Health Data: Exploring Approaches to the Design of Reflection in Interactive User Interfaces for Data Donation in Healthcare
Nowadays, mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and wearables) make it easier than ever to track personal health data. By doing so, users can gain insight into their daily movement, heart rate, and blood pressure. This data can also be useful to medical researchers, who can use it to help with recovery or assess disease progression. However, simply collecting data is not enough for users to determine their overall health. For instance, the number of steps taken during the day alone is not meaningful. But compared to the past number of steps, heart rate, and blood pressure, it becomes possible to conclude whether one’s health status is improving or deteriorating. The way this data is presented is crucial in prompting users to conclude and to reflect on their health. Effective visualization and design elements can emphasize meaningful changes in the collected health data.
In this thesis, I aim to investigate how an interactive user interface for donating health data can be designed to support users’ reflections on the data disclosed. The research process will closely follow the human-centered design process. A scoping review will be conducted to obtain insight into the current state of research and aid in the creation of an interactive user interface that supports reflective thinking processes. This review will collect existing knowledge about reflection in interactive user interface design to use in the design process.
In the second part of this thesis, I will create a prototype for an app that supports reflection, specifically in the context of diabetes. The design process outcomes will be evaluated by a diabetes specialist, followed by a qualitative study to assess the prototype’s effectiveness in helping users with their reflective processes and its overall usability. I created a website to explore the concept of reflection in human-centered computing and how it can be used to support reflection. The website includes information about different methods for incorporating reflection support and features an enhanced and redesigned prototype.