Ab dem Wintersemester 2014/15 wird nun endlich unser Forschungsseminar starten, welches uns die Möglichkeit gibt, einen besseren Überblick über vorhandene Aktivitäten am HCC.lab zu erhalten. Die Themenliste wird im Laufe des Semester sukzessive ergänzt. Was sind die Themen dieses Seminars? Alle Themen die für den HCC Forschungsbereich interessant sind, aber insbesondere zu ...
Claudia Müller-Birn
Student Profile
Studierende des Bachelor- und Masterstudiengangs Informatik.
In this Proseminar, we discuss research results from the field of Human Computer Interaction with a focus on computer science. In recent decades, this area has changed extensively, mainly through technological innovations. We primarily consider these changed interactions between one or more people and one or more computers. We will discuss both “traditional” innovations and challenges ...
Claudia Müller-Birn
Student Profile
Studierende am Ende ihres Bachelorstudiums Informatik oder aus verwandten Disziplinen (Mathematik, Bioinformatik)
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Oct 16, 2014 - Feb 12, 2015 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM c.t.
The World Wide Web is based on formally defined languages and protocols, but only human activities in the Web such as the creation of Web pages, the use of applications, such as blog platforms, social networking services (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) and Wikipedia, generate added value. This added value is based on the interrelationship of content that is created and used by millions of ...
Claudia Müller-Birn
Student Profile
Studierende am Ende ihres Bachelorstudium (> 4 Semester) und Studierende im Masterstudiengang Informatik oder aus verwandten Disziplinen (Mathematik, Bioinformatik)
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