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Applicability of sequence analysis methods in analyzing peer-production systems: a case study in Wikidata

To Tu, Cuong; Müller-Birn, Claudia – 2016

Building a shared understanding of a specific area of interest is of increasing importance in today’s information-centric world. A shared understanding of a domain can be realized by building a structured knowledge base about it collaboratively. Our research is driven by the goal to understand participation patterns over time in collaborative knowledge building efforts. Consequently, we focus our study on one representative project – Wikidata. Wikidata is a free, structured knowledge base that provides structured data to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. This paper builds upon previous research, where we identified six common participation patterns, i.e. roles, in Wikidata. In the research presented here, we study the applicability of sequence analysis methods by analyzing the dynamics in users’ participation patterns. The sequence analysis is judged by its ability to answer three questions: (i) “Are there any preferable role transitions in Wikidata?”; (ii) “What are the dominant dynamic participation patterns?”; (iii) “Are users who join earlier more turbulent contributors?” Our data set includes participation patterns of about 20,000 users in each month from October 2012 to October 2014. We show that sequence analysis methods are able to infer interesting role transitions in Wikidata, find dominant dynamic participation patterns, and make statistical inferences. Finally, we also discuss the significance of these results with respect to the understanding of the participation process in Wikidata.

Applicability of sequence analysis methods in analyzing peer-production systems: a case study in Wikidata
To Tu, Cuong; Müller-Birn, Claudia
Appeared in
SocInfo (8. : 2016 : Bellevue , Wash .) Social Informatics : 8th International Conference , SocInfo 2016 Bellevue , WA , USA , November 11–14, 2016 : proceedings
BibTeX Code
title={Applicability of sequence analysis methods in analyzing peer-production systems: a case study in wikidata},
author={Cuong, To Tu and M{\"u}ller-Birn, Claudia},
booktitle={International Conference on Social Informatics},