entity:city Intermediate Presentation (Dec 11, 2019)
News from Nov 27, 2019
The HCC would like to invite you to the intermediate presentation of our course entity:city. The 5 interdisciplinary teams of students of computer science (Freie Universität Berlin) and product design (KH-Berlin Weißensee) will present their concepts on Wednesday 11.12.2019. After each concept we have some time to discuss the ideas together. We would be pleased about your presence and input. Further details:
»entity:city« Intermediate Presentation
Wednesday 11-12-2019 | 9:00am - 12:00pm
In the central laboratory of the research cluster "Matters of Activity"
Sophienstr. 22a | 10178 Berlin
(the central laboratory is located in the 2nd backyard, 2nd floor)
This course offer is a cooperation of the working group Human-Centered Computing of the FU-Berlin and the department Product-Design of the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee. The course is part of the Excellence Cluster Matters of Activity and supported by CityLab Berlin.