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Article accepted for publication in Frontiers in Psychology, section Cognition

News from Apr 11, 2019

Congratulations to Arpit Bahety, Dr. Dr. Ana-Maria Olteteanu and Mikkel Schöttner! Their journal article with the title "Towards a Multi-level Exploration of Human and Computational Re-representation in Unified Cognitive Frameworks" was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Psychology, section Cognition.


Re-representation is a critical ability to (i) understanding human creative problem solving, and (ii) modelling computational cognitive systems able to support or perform creative problem solving tasks on their own. This paper proposes a unified multi-level cognitive approach to investigating re-representation: the study of sensory-based, concept-based and problem template based possible forms of re-representations in an integrated manner.

Descriptions and explanations of each level prepare the ground for further computational modelling. A study is run to explore this hypothesis. A significant correlation between the tasks we investigate is discovered. Two previous studies from the literature are replicated. A new strong and significant relationship between the Pattern Meanings Test and the Alternative Uses Test is observed.

The article can be found here.

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