VISKIT - Vetinary Infecton Surveillance KIT
VISKIT reached the third place at the Research to Market Challenge 2020 in the categorie "Life Science & Health"
Fixed weekly project date
- Fridays, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Webex (
Project goals
In cooperation with the Klinik für kleine Haustiere der Freie Universtität Berlin, the Databases and Information Systems Group is developing a nationwide networked system for the detection of nosocomial infections in veterinary medicine, called VISKIT - Veterinary Infection Surveillance KIT.
Project description
The VISKIT system consists of a web service for hygiene officers and a mobile application for veterinarians and keepers. Veterinarians report the occurrence of an infection quickly and easily via the VISKIT app. With the help of the VISKIT center (web service), the hygiene officer checks whether the infection is nosocomial or not. Animal keepers use the app to record daily ward occupancy and other basic statistical data. The data are statistically evaluated and visualized by the VISKIT center. A special role is played by the globally supervising hygiene officer, who, with the VISKIT center, has the possibility to compare the data of all cooperating clinics and research institutes and thus to make a statement about the prevalence situation in the partner clinics and institutes. Currently, all german universities that offer the degree course in veterinary medicine are participating in the VISKIT project.
- Small Animal Clinic of the Freie Universität Berlin
- Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
- Medizinische Kleintierklinik LMU München
Current and completed theses
We're still looking for
- Students who want to write a final thesis (Bachelor thesis) in the field of integration/migration of VISKIT in mCIS-vet
E-mail to nicolas.lehmann[at]
- viskit, vetinary, infecton, surveillance, kit