Research Projects
Research projects of the AG Corporate Semantic Web
Funded Projects
- BMWI KI Innovationswettbewerb "PlanQK - Plattform und Ökosystem für Quantenunterstützte Künstliche Intelligenz" (funded by BMWi 2020-2023)
- BMBF Unternehmen Region Wachstumskern "Qurator - Corporate Smart insights" (funded by BMBF 2018 - 2021)
- EU SMILE – Smart Mobility at the European Land Borders (funded by H2020 2017 - 2020)
- Berlin Center of Digitial Transformation (funded by EU ERDF and Berlin Senate 2017 - 2020)
- BMBF Qurator2020 (funded by BMBF 2020)
- Norm-based reasoning: from legal and moral traditions to AI systems (funded by VW Stiftung 2019-2020)
- ERIC – Enhanced Recovery after Intensive Care (funded by Innovationsausschuss 2018 - 2021)
- BMWi Streetprobe - Subauftragsprojekt "Klassifikation von Straßenschäden" (funded by BMWi 2018 - 2019)
- EU H2020 "Data4Water - Excellence in Smart Data and Services for Water Management" (funded by EU H2020, 2016-2018)
- EU H2020 "SEE4.C - SpatiotEmporal ForEcasting" (funded by EU H2020, 2016-2017)
- BMWi Exist "Traction B2B" (fundedd by BMWi, 2016-2017)
- IBB Project "Maschinelle Datenextraktion aus Klinischen Studien” (funded by IBB 2016)
- Fraunhofer Sonderfinanzierungsprojekt "Domain-specific Big Data and Analytics" (funded by Fraunhofer FOKUS, 2015-2017)
- Transferbonus "RDF Stream Reasoning Semantik" (funded by IBB, 2016-2017)
- BMBF Unternehmen Region Innoprofile Transfer "Corporate Smart Content" (funded by BMBF 2013-2016)
- BMBF CSC "Corporate Smart Content Enrichment" (funded by BMBF 2013-2016)
- BMBF Unternehmen Region Innoprofile „Corporate Semantic Web” (funded by BMBF, 2008-2013)
- Transferbonus IBB Project "Klickfilm – Frontend" (funded by IBB, 2014, press release)
- Transferbonus IBB Project "iBack - just Feedback" (funded by IBB, 2013)
- BMWI Exist "Pixel Summoners" (funded by BMWI, 2013-2014, press release)
- Transferbonus IBB Project "Klickfilm – Backend" (funded by IBB, 2013-2014)
- EU-Canada “Transatlantic BPM Education Network (BPM EduNet)” (funded by EU & Canada, 2010-2013)
- IB-BMBF “User-guided Semantic Enrichment” (funded by BMBF & Royal Society of New Zealand, 2010-2012)
- BMWI Exist “Klickfilm - Contextual In-Video-Marketing by object-based Semantic Information Processing” (funded by BMWI, 2010-2012; spin-off Klickfilm UG)
- BMWI Exist “ChariTeam” (funded by BMWI, 2012-2013; spin-off ChariTeam UG)
- "Semantic Scientific Workflows for eScience" (funded by Chinese Scholarship Council, 2010-2014)
- "Semantic Opinion Mining" (individual Phd stipendia, 2013-2015)
- "Knowledge Representation for Intellectual Property Law" (KR4IPLaw, 2010 - 2016)
- "Semantic Patent Informatics" (funded by industry project with Teles Patent Rights International GmbH, 2010-2014)
- Transferbonus IBB Project "Linked Data for Health Informatics" (funded by IBB 2010)
- Transferbonus IBB Project "Multi Media Semantics" (funded by IBB 2010)
- Semantic Complex Event Processing (co-funded by industry project with Betfair Ltd., 2010-2011)
- "ChemCloud - A Semantic eLearning Platform in Chemistry" (funded by industry project with FIZ Chemie Berlin, 2010-2013)
- Rule Responder Question and Answering System (funded by industry project with RuleML Inc., 2010-211)
- SLA4Value: Enabbling SLA-based Service Economy (based on RBSLA project, 2010)
- Rule Based Service Level Agreements
Standardization Projects
Deliberation RuleML (
Standard for Deliberation Rules (paper, lecture script, handbook chapter)
Reaction RuleML (
Standard for Reaction Rules and rule-based Complex Event Processing (paper, tutorial, lecture script, handbook chapter)
Consumer RuleML (
Standard for embedding RuleML into other host and interchange languages (paper, wiki)
W3C Rule Interchange Format (
Standard for Web Rules Interchange (part of W3C Semantic Web Stack)
OASIS LegalRuleML (
Standard for Legal Rules and Legal Reasoning
Standard for (distributed) APIs for Knowledge Bases (API4KB Metamodel, Paper)
W3C Health Care and Life Sciences Knowledge Base (
The W3C Health Care and Life Science Interest Group (W3C HCLS IG) develops and supports the use of Semantic Web technologies and practices to improve collaboration, research and development, and innovation adoption in the Health Care and Life Science domains.
W3C RDF Stream Processing (
The mission of the RDF Stream Processing Community Group (RSP) is to define a common model for producing, transmitting and continuously querying RDF Streams.
EPTS Reference Architecture and Reference Model
Reference Architecture and Reference Model for Event Processing Architectures (including Design Patterns for Event Processing) (paper, tutorial presentation)
Open Source Projects
- Open Source: DBPedia Deutsch (
- Open Source: Prova – Semantic Web Rule Engine (
- Open Source: RuleResponder Pragmatic Agent Web Middleware (
- Open Source: SemMF - A Semantic Matching Framework
- Open Source: RBSLA - Rule Based Service Level Agreements (
Technologies and Tools
see AG CSW technologies and tools