The RuleML Group (RuleML)
Description: The RuleML initiative is organized by representatives from academia, industry and government for promotion of the modern and future generations of rule technology including rule-based event processing, which provides enhanced usability, scalability and performance. The goal of RuleML is to be a general and open intermediary between various "specialized" rule vendors, applications, industrial and research working groups and standardization efforts such as OMG PRR, OMG SBVR or W3C RIF.
Membership: Steering Committee Co-Chair
Reaction RuleML Technical Group
Description: The goal of the Reaction RuleML TG is to provide and standardize a compact, general and user-friendly expression language for reaction rules. It therefore closely collaborates with standardization bodies such as OMG, W3C and OASIS and related societies such as EPTS. It supports different kinds of reaction, action, production, KR temporal/event/action, and event processing reaction rules.
Membership: Co-Chair
"Center für Informations-Technologie Transfer (CITT)
Description: Ziel des Centrum für Informations-Technologie Transfer GmbH (CITT) ist es, forschungsnahe, aktuelle Informatikthemen in industriellen Projekten unter professionellen Bedingungen vor Ort beim Kunden zu beraten und zu realisieren.
Membership: R&D Director till 2010
Semantic Technology Institute Berlin
Description: Semantische Technologien werden die Zukunft des Web prägen. Das Semantic Technologies Institute Berlin ist Teil des internationalen Exzellenznetzwerks in Berlin das Forschungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen bündelt um Semantische Technologien als ein Querschnittsthema der Informatik und der Informations- und Komunikationstechnologie sichtbar zu machen.
Membership: Vice-director
The Berlin Semantic Web Meetup Group
Description: The Berlin Semantic Web Meetup Group is a forum to meet people interested in standardized and future (Semantic Web) Internet technologies aimed at turning the Web into a huge repository of cross-referenced, machine-understandable data and executable artifacts, processes and services. It envisions and debates how the emerging social, semantic, pragmatic, multimedia Web mediates the ways in which we construct mutual understanding, shared meaning, and knowledge-based collaboration. We address Semantic Web / Web X.0 technologies and applications that help to develop or that use ontologies, controlled vocabularies and rules systems on the public World Wide Web and in the enterprise - as Corporate Semantic Web with valuable business models behind it. The Berlin Semantic Web Meetup group provides common ground for dialogue at the nexus of these topics.
Membership: Founder / Organizer
W3C Rule Interchange Format Working Group
Description: The mission of the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group is to produce W3C Recommendations for rules interchange. Currently, specified dialects are RIF Production Rules Dialect, RIF Basic Logic Dialect, RIF Core.
Currently we are working on a RIF Reaction Rules Dialect for rule-based CEP.
Membership: Editor, Invited Expert
W3C Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
Description: The mission of the Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group, part of the Semantic Web Activity, is to develop, advocate for, and support the use of Semantic Web technologies for biological science, translational medicine and health care. These domains stand to gain tremendous benefit by adoption of Semantic Web technologies, as they depend on the interoperability of information from many domains and processes for efficient decision support.
Membership: Active Member hosting the W3C HCLS Knowledge Base
Object Management Group Business Modeling & Integration Domain Task Force (OMG BMI)
Description: OMG™ is an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies, and an even wider range of industries.
The Business Modeling & Integration Domain Task Force (BMI) mission is to develop specifications of integrated models to support management of an enterprise. These specifications will promote inter- and intra-enterprise integration and collaboration of people, systems, processes, and information across the enterprise, including business partners and customers.
Membership: Active OMG Voting Member (on behalf of RuleML Inc.)
Event Processing Technical Society (EPTS)
Description: The mission of the EPTS is to promote understanding and advancement of Event Processing technologies, to assist in the development of Standards to ensure long-term growth, and to provide a cooperative and inclusive environment for communication and learning.
Membership: Co-Chair of the EPTS Reference Architecture Working Group and founding member of EPTS