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Courses & Offers by KompetenzWERK

News from Nov 05, 2024

Dear students,


The semester is in full swing and by now your to-do list is probably filling up with new assignments. If you feel that you need some support during these dark and cold days, the KompetenzWERK has your back: we support students in Berlin with our workshops and consultation services to acquire and develop key competences for studying effectively and to successfully enter career life.


If you have an academic writing project that you want to make progress on or get done with before the year ends, join our online writing group Let's get it done!<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/academic-writing-group-en.html> - meetings take place twice a week from 6th - 19th December. You do not need any prior knowledge of academic writing, only a current or upcoming English writing project. The registration deadline has been extended to the 10th of November.

Are you looking for an online co-working space to focus on your writing project? On the 8th, 20th and 27th of November our Times to Write<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/time-to-write-in-november-en.html> sessions will take place in English! (Further dates for December will be announced later in our Event Calendar<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/>.)


We will also host several English workshops and trainings:


 *   Sign up for Scientific Sources<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/scientific-sources-en.html> on the 15th of November to find out about credibility and handling information in a reflected way.

  *   On the 29th of November you can receive an Overview of labour and social security law for international students<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/overview-of-labour-and-social-security-law-for-international-students-en.html> to make sure you know about your rights and obligations at work.

  *   If you want to learn more about Reading Academic Texts<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/reading-academic-texts-en.html>, our upcoming workshop on the 4th of December can help you to approach this in a systematic way.

  *   Also on the 4th of December, our Creative LAB: Artists' Social Security Fund (Künstlersozialkasse) & Co<https://www.stw.berlin/en/kalender/artists-social-security-fund-and-co.html> will open its doors again!

  *   Do you want to apply for a job? With our upcoming trainings How to succeed at job interviews in Germany<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/how-to-succeed-at-job-interviews-in-germany-en.html> on the 13th of December and Job Interview Practice<https://www.stw.berlin/en/event-calendar/job-interview-practice-en.html> on the 16th of December you will be well prepared!


Last but not least, the Writing Center of the studierendenWERK offers free individual writing consultations to support you with your writing academic project. Find out more about it and ask for an appointment here<https://www.stw.berlin/en/counselling/writing-consultation/to-the-counselling-centre/>.


We wish you a productive end of the year and a lot of energy to keep up with all your tasks!



Kind regards


your Competencies Team

Please address us in a gender-neutral way as a team.


studierendenWERK BERLIN


Hardenbergstr. 34

10623 Berlin


Tel:  +49 / 30-93939-8411 /-8426

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